I'm Cheulong Sear.
A Full Stack Developer.
based in Thailand.

I always passionaly learn something new everydays. I prepare myself to face the challenge and upgrade my skill and stay at the cutting edge of full stack development. If you have a great project that needs some amazing skills, I’m your guy.

Currently working at Seven Peaks Software as a Frontend Developer.

My resumeMore about me

Companies I have worked for in the past.


Seven Peaks Software,
Frontend Developer

Currently, I am the mid-level front-end developer at Seven Peaks Software. I have been working on the front-end of variety of projects using up-to-date technologies.


Simya Solutions, FullStack Developer

I was the fullstack developer at Simya Solutions. I worked on the frontend and backend of the ling app and ling web application.


BUZZWOO!, Frontend Developer Intern

I was the intern who worked on fixing bugs and implementing new features for web application.


With skills in over 4 different fields of development, I am the perfect person to hire when it comes to a full fledged project. Whatever your needs are, I can pretty much take on any challenge.


Working at Simya Solutions has taught me a lot about ReactJs, NextJs to create complex layouts, fast and responsive websites.


Working at Simya Solutions has taught me a lot about how to understand firebase, firebase functions to handle the traffic of app using my many users. I also research on side projects using NodeJs, ExpressJs, SQL and MongoDB.


Testing is a key part of any project, I have a lot of experience with Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress.

Dev Tools

I have a lot of experience with Git, Typescript, Trello, Tailwind, Styled-components, Google Tag Manager.

Experiments & Open Sources

On my free time, I always try to create new stuffs using my existed skill and share the knowledge that I know to other developers.

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Let’s talk business

Now that you know a lot about me, let me know if you are interested to work with me.